Tax Planning
How many allowances should I claim on my W-4 form?
I just got a promotion and a big raise! Should I be concerned about owing tax when I file?
I will have an unusually large amount of income on my return this year that is not being taxed. How much money should I set aside to pay the tax, and when do I need to pay it?
I just got married! Should we file a joint return, or should we file separately?
I just bought a house! What new deductions are available to me, and what proof do I need to keep?
These are common questions that can usually be answered during a brief consultation. Be sure to keep your paystubs from work, and any other documentation that supports amounts that will be on your return. By analyzing these documents we can project what your tax return will look like, and let you know if you need to send in estimated payments. Just be sure to follow the cardinal rule, If you think it might be deductible, keep the receipt!
[ Consultation Services • Choice of Business Entity • Tax Planning ]
I just got a promotion and a big raise! Should I be concerned about owing tax when I file?
I will have an unusually large amount of income on my return this year that is not being taxed. How much money should I set aside to pay the tax, and when do I need to pay it?
I just got married! Should we file a joint return, or should we file separately?
I just bought a house! What new deductions are available to me, and what proof do I need to keep?
These are common questions that can usually be answered during a brief consultation. Be sure to keep your paystubs from work, and any other documentation that supports amounts that will be on your return. By analyzing these documents we can project what your tax return will look like, and let you know if you need to send in estimated payments. Just be sure to follow the cardinal rule, If you think it might be deductible, keep the receipt!
[ Consultation Services • Choice of Business Entity • Tax Planning ]

We are a tax and accounting practice, working for individuals and businesses. Our vast experience allows us to find the best solutions to our clients' needs. Our understanding of current technology allows us to communicate clearly and efficiently, and also recommend systems that are time efficient for our clients. We work to ensure that you pay the legal minimum in tax, and most importantly, our goal is your success!